Office of Medical Cannabis
Office of Medical Cannabis

Advisory Board

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Previous Meetings

12-19  | Medical Cannabis Advisory Board |Agenda |Recording​ 

09-19  | Medical Cannabis Advisory Board  |Agenda |Recording 

(Due to technical difficulties, the starting portion of the 09/19 meeting was not recorded. Please refer to the agenda for this portion of the meeting. Coverage of the MCAB and OMC duties can be found here: MCAB and OMC Duties)

 06-13 |​ Medical Cannabis Advisory Board | Agenda​ | Recording

 05-15 Program and Policy Workgroup | Recording​

 03-14​ Medical Cannabis Advisory Board | ​Agenda​ (due to lack of Quorum the agenda items were added to the June 13, 2024 meeting)​

 09-04​ Program and Policy Workgroup | Recording​

12-15 | Medical Cannabis Advisory Board Meeting | Recording​

06-16 | Health and Medical Workgroup​ | Recording​

03-23 | Medical Cannabis Advisory Board | Agenda ​ | Recording 

 09-08 | Medical Cannabis Advisory Board | Reco​rding

 08-16 | Health and Medical Workgroup | Recording​

 06-16 | Medical Cannabis Advisory Board | Recording​

 06-01 | Policy and Program Workgroup | Recording​

 03-17 |  Medical Cannabis Advisory Board | Recording​ 

 ​03-02 | Policy and Procedure Workgroup | Recording

 12-16 | Medical Cannabis Advisory Board | Recording​​

 12-08 | Health and Medical Workgroup​  | Recording​

 12-01 | Program and Policy Workgroup​ | Recording

 ​09-2​3 | Medical Cannabis Advisory Board |​ Agenda 

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Policy Workgroup Meeting - ​February 18, 2025

5PM - 6PM 

 ​  Meeting Agenda |  Access the meeting HERE

A written public comment may be submitted to​

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The Medical Cannabis Act established the Medical Cannabis Advisory Board (MCAB) and the Office of Medical Cannabis (OMC), but they are not the same entity. Please refer to the inforgraphic below to examine the differences between the MCAB and OMC. 

Find more information about MCAB here: §16A-1​1 Medical Cannabis Advisory Board

MCAB v OMC.png

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< February 2025 >
 Sun  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat 
  Policy Workgroup Meeting